Continuous Improvement May Not Be Good Enough

The idea of continuous improvement in application enhancement, rather than the periodic deployment of major changes, is gaining much support. This is a particularly...

Develop Meaningful Service Metrics – Phases 1-3

Develop the right service metrics to tie IT service performance to business value and user experience. This will enable immediate stakeholder value and reinforce...

Service Catalog Extension Project Charter

This deliverable will help you during project launch. It will help document important information and achieve buy-in from key stakeholders.

Create a Service Management Roadmap – Phase 4: Build the Roadmap

This phase will help you design a communication slide that paints the picture of what your program will look like in the short and long terms.

Design & Build a User-Facing Service Catalog – Phase 3: Identify and Define Line of Business Services

After completing this phase, you should have identified all services IT offers to each LOB or functional group. Each group should receive different services and display...

Create an IT View of the Service Catalog – Phase 2: Identify Service-Specific Technology

This phase of the blueprint will introduce a method for finding service-specific technologies and documenting them appropriately for use in the catalog.

IT Service Catalog

Use this tool to document your user-facing IT services including their technical components. The tool lists sample services as examples.

Create an IT View of the Service Catalog – Phase 4: Determine People & Process

This phase of the blueprint will introduce a method for determining roles and responsibilities required to support user-facing services. It will also help with...

Design & Build a User-Facing Service Catalog – Phase 2: Identify and Define Enterprise Services

The Identify and Define Enterprise Services phase will help you target enterprise services offered by your IT team. They are offered to everyone in the organization and...

Develop a Plan to Pilot Enterprise Service Management – Phases 1-3

This blueprint will help you develop an action plan to pilot enterprise service management.
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