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2B Advice Makes Moves to Support a Privacy-Aware Culture

The privacy management software space is rapidly becoming crowded with vendors, each one of which is looking to add unique value. 2B Advice has released the most recent version (7.0) of its software, offering the support tools needed to build a privacy-aware culture.

As one of the first players in the privacy management software space, 2B Advice has built its product on long-standing experience with assessing the rapid evolution of the data privacy industry. This most recent release mirrors the evolution by providing users with the necessary tools to socialize privacy management within the business. This includes a unique portal, which promotes the storage and sharing of templates, training, and reports internally as well as among any key vendors or relevant partners. Additional features added to this version are as follows:

  • Marketing Compliance Management tools
  • Data Policy Statement Generator
  • Extended Automation Capabilities
  • Automated Workflows
  • Plausibility Check
  • REST API, which provides integration between the 2B Advice PrIME platform and the business’ CRM and ERP systems.

The expanded set of features offered in this version of PrIME promote a high degree of integration with current systems and tools already in place within the business. This shift away from privacy as compliance and toward privacy as a core operational function of the business mirrors the movement experienced in the tech industry. Data privacy, as a result, is increasingly viewed as a staple consideration in building both an IT and business strategy.

Our Take

In the data privacy software space, we see vendors aligning new feature releases with new privacy regulations released, the most recent of which being around consent management capabilities with the January 1 enactment of the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA). These releases soon become standard or expected features of vendors as businesses increasingly seek adherence to best practices of a privacy program as opposed to simply complying with the relevant governing laws and frameworks.

2B Advice emphasizes collaboration with vendors and peers through the introduction of added automation and integration, a differentiating factor in the privacy product. Common issues that arise in the data privacy space center around how to make privacy dynamic and how to socialize it within the organization. The PrIME Portal is 2B Advice’s first step toward a solution and is a clear indicator of a needed shift in the privacy software management space toward a business culture that embraces privacy.

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