Develop the Right Message to Engage Buyers – Executive Brief

Drive higher open rates, time on site, and click-through rates with buyer-relevant messaging.

Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market Executive Brief

This Executive Brief will build your skills on how to price new products or adjust pricing for existing products. Disciplines made using our pricing methodology...

Optimize Software Pricing in a Volatile Competitive Market – Phases 1-3

This blueprint will build your skills to price new products or adjust pricing for existing ones. Disciplines made using our pricing methodology strengthen efforts to...

Diagnose Brand Health to Improve Business Growth Storyboard

Have a significant and well-targeted impact on business success and growth by knowing how your brand performs, identifying areas of improvement, and making data-driven...

Leverage Web Analytics to Reinforce Your Web Experience Management Strategy Storyboard

Use this research to gain an understanding of web analytics tools and how to leverage them to understand user behavior.

Marketing Management Suite Software Selection Guide Storyboard

Streamline your organizational approach to the selection of a right-sized marketing management suite (MMS) platform.

Accelerate Business Growth and Valuation by Building Brand Awareness Storyboard

Inspired by top-performing businesses and best practices, this Blueprint provides the guidance and tools needed to successfully build awareness and help businesses grow.

Social Media Management Software Selection Guide Storyboard

Connecting through social media is an essential way to engage with your customers. Identify the best tools that suit your social media management needs.

Get Started With Customer Advocacy Storyboard

This storyboard will help leaders of customer advocacy programs get started with developing a formalized pilot program that will demonstrate the value of customer...

Build a More Effective Brand Architecture Storyboard

This blueprint helps create a coherent brand architecture, enabling easy launches of new products and services, preparing for acquisitions, and modifying brand strategy....
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