Leverage Web Analytics to Reinforce Your Web Experience Management Strategy Storyboard

Author(s): Sai Rajaramagopalan

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Use this research to get an introduction to both the foundation and advanced techniques in the world of web analytics tools as well as some of the top vendors in the market space and their offerings. Finally, the research will provide you with valuable guidance on how to initiate a successful implementation of web analytics tools.

The sections are:

  • Introduction – Understand the fundamentals of web analytics tools.
  • Advanced techniques – Get a peek into the most popular advanced analytics techniques and how they can help you.
  • Top vendors – Meet the top vendors in the market space and review some case studies to understand how the tools can impact your business.
  • Sucecssful implementation – Learn how to begin the process of careful selecting tools, implementing them, and measuring their success using recommended baseline metrics.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Leverage Web Analytics to Reinforce Your Web Experience Management Strategy

Web analytical tools are the gateway to understanding your customer behavior.

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