Develop the Right Message to Engage Buyers – Executive Brief

Author(s): Terra Higginson

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Even though most marketers will say that it’s important to produce interesting content, only 58% of B2B markers take the time to ask their customers what’s important to them. Without a true and deep understanding of buyers, marketers continue to invest their time in resources in an uninteresting product and company-focused diatribe.

By applying the SoftwareReviews message mapping architecture, clients will be able to:

  • Quickly diagnose the current state of their content marketing effectiveness compared to industry metrics.
  • Compare their current messaging approach versus the key elements of the Message Map Architecture.
  • Create more compelling and relevant content that aligns with a buyer’s needs and journey.
  • Shrink marketing and sales cycles.
  • Increase the pace of content production.

Marketers that activate the SoftwareReviews message mapping architecture will be able to crack the code on the formula for improving open and click-through rates.

Marketing content that identifies the benefit of the product along with a deep understanding of the buyer pain points, desired value and benefit proof-points, is a key driver in delivering value to a prospect, thereby increasing marketing metrics such as open rates, time on site, page views and click through rates.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Develop the Right Message to Engage Buyers

Drive higher open rates, time-on-site, and click-through rates with buyer-relevant messaging.

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