- Data stewardship is a critical function in modern data governance. Every data-driven firm needs stewards who can tackle data issues and challenges rapidly. Data stewards help to reach agreement on data definition, quality, and usage. They direct efforts aimed at completing metadata, improving data quality, and ensuring regulatory compliance.
- Stewards must also provide recommendations regarding data access, security, distribution, retention, archiving, and disposal.
Our Advice
Critical Insight
- While the data steward role is crucial to establishing and sustaining effective governance of data, it is the role in the data governance operating structure that is often left ambiguous.
- It is often perceived as requiring incremental IT skills and one with all new or unfamiliar functions.
- In the ambition and haste to deliver on data governance, the various data governance role titles are communicated out to the wider organization, with data stewards especially left wondering: “Why am I being asked to be a data steward? What is expected of me? How will I succeed in this role?”
Impact and Result
To establish effective and impactful data stewardship:
- Clearly articulate the data stewardship value proposition.
- Formally design and detail the data steward role, including functions, capabilities, etc.
- Set up your data stewards for success: having a detailed role definition on paper is certainly not enough. Ensure you go the extra mile to deliver relevant training such as data stewardship onboarding, awareness program, etc.
Member Testimonials
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Ledcor Industries Inc.
Guided Implementation
Bob Barker Company, Inc.
Guided Implementation
Validation, how to incorporate I.T. documents and templates to continue building buy-in, and having a strategic view from an outside perspective th... Read More