Sample Size Calculator

A tool to calculate the sample size needed for your survey.

Take Action on Service Desk Customer Feedback Storyboard

Learn how to set up a customer feedback program for your service desks.

Sample Size Calculator v2

A tool to calculate the sample size needed for your survey.

Transactional Service Desk Survey Template

Use this template to design or write your transactional (ticket) satisfaction survey.

End-User Satisfaction Survey Review Workflows

This template will help you map out the step-by-step process to review collected feedback from your end-user satisfaction surveys, analyze the data, and act on it.

Take Action on Service Desk Customer Feedback

Understand how and why to measure customer satisfaction with the service desk, then design both a transactional and relationship survey to collect feedback, and build a...

Project Handover Template

This template helps you outline a document for collaboration with the service desk to provide information on the product for better transitioning service support.

Transition Projects Over to the Service Desk Storyboard

This storyboard will help build a strategy to shift service support from the project team to the service desk, resulting in customer service and agent satisfaction...

Service Support Transitioning Checklist

This checklist will help develop a plan for service support transitioning from the project team to the service desk.

Transition Projects Over to the Service Desk

Leverage the storyboard and associated materials to build a plan for developing a project handover that the service desk will use to support the new application/product....
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