Data continues to grow at an exponential rate, and your current storage solutions will not meet all your future needs. Info-Tech’s methodology for storage modernization...
Adopt a continual service improvement mindset and make gradual changes to ticket intake. Focusing on a small number of improvements each quarter will allow you to...
Now, the IT Operations Center is about more than network monitoring. An effective Operations Center provides visibility across the entire stack, generates actionable...
This blueprint will help you score quick wins and build a process to manage IT automation.
Infrastructure leaders are busy. They almost always have more to do than they have time to do, making prioritization a core competency. Info-Tech’s 2020 Infrastructure...
The cloud is a multifaceted concept with lots of upside, but lots of potential downside as well, if used improperly. This blueprint will help you bring stakeholders...
COVID-19 has been declared a pandemic. IT departments must do their part to develop a pandemic response plan.
With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing many businesses to start operating remotely, security is often the first to suffer. Start a training program for employees on how to...
This blueprint offers guidance, tools, and templates to ensure that if an emergency hits your organization, forcing your employees to work remotely, you can effectively...
The COVID-19 pandemic isn’t your usual crisis – it has an indeterminate duration and a global scope. In today’s VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous)...