Drive results with better dashboards and analytics across Marketing, Sales, and Customer Success. Learn how to turn data into actionable insights that boost performance,...
Applications directly influence how dynamic, flexible, and responsive you can be and how the public sees your reputation and brand. To meet your stakeholder’s...
Learn and understand the SEO software capabilities and vendors.
Use this research to discover the latest trends in software selection.
This blueprint will help customer onboarding and marketing leaders understand how to benchmark new customer onboarding performance, develop a target customer onboarding...
Learn why effective market segmentation research is essential, find a clear path forward by identifying market segments for targeted efforts, and properly segment using...
Learn and understand CI software capabilities and trends and define your use cases and requirements
Requirements management is critical for delivering business value from projects, products, and services. Yet it remains an elusive task for most organizations. Follow...
Deepen your understanding of business capabilities and how new systems can elevate them. Explore the valuable insights and actionable takeaways from this keynote...
This detailed keynote from Info-Tech LIVE 2024 explores techniques for managing Agile backlogs, including how using a tiered backlog approach allows for just-in-time...