Select and Implement a Social Media Management Platform – Phase 1: Develop a Technology Enablement Approach for Social Media

This phase of the blueprint, Select and Implement a Social Media Management Platform, will help you determine if a dedicated SMMP is right for your organization.

SMMP Use-Case Fit Assessment Tool

Use the Use-Case Fit Assessment Tool to understand how your unique requirements map into specific SMMP use cases.

Select and Implement a Social Media Management Platform – Phase 2: Select an SMMP

Use the Vendor Landscape findings and project guidance in this phase to support your organization in developing requirements for your SMMP RFP, evaluation, and...

SMMP Vendor Shortlist & Detailed Feature Analysis Tool

Use this tool to develop your own custom shortlist. Use the tool's knock-out criteria and criteria weightings to identify vendors that align with your business' own...

SMMP Vendor Demo Script

Use this template to support your business' evaluation of vendors and their solutions. Provide vendors with scenarios that prompt them to display not only their...

SMMP RFP Template

A request for proposals lets organizations give vendors a detailed account of the requirements and the expected capabilities of their desired suite. Create a defined...

SMMP RFP Evaluation and Scoring Tool

Enterprises considering an SMMP need to comparatively score potential solutions from different vendors. A key component of any evaluation is an RFP.

Select and Implement a Social Media Management Platform – Phase 3: Review Implementation Considerations

Even a solution that is a perfect fit for an organization will fail to generate value if it is not properly implemented or measured. Conduct the necessary planning before...

Develop an Actionable ERP Strategy and Roadmap – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand why building an ERP strategy and roadmap is critical to project success.

Develop an Actionable ERP Strategy and Roadmap – Phase 1: Harness the Value of ERP

This phase of the blueprint, Develop an Actionable ERP Strategy and Roadmap, will help you refine your ERP operating model, define the scope of your ERP strategy, outline...
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