Develop an Actionable ERP Strategy and Roadmap – Phase 1: Harness the Value of ERP

Author(s): Evan Destunis, Jessica Jenkins

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This blueprint phase will help you refine your ERP operating model, define the scope of your ERP strategy, outline strategic objectives, assemble the project team, and map the current state of ERP. This phase will take you through the following activities:

  • Define the scope for your ERP strategy
  • Create the ERP strategy project team
  • Build a RACI chart for the ERP strategy project team
  • Document your organizational goals and aligned KPIs
  • Inventory your ERP processes
  • Profile your current ERP application portfolio
  • Map ERP applications to ERP processes
  • Map the current state of ERP applications

Use this phase as part of the full blueprint, Develop an Actionable ERP Strategy and Roadmap.

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