Deliver a Customer Service Training Program to Your IT Department Storyboard

This project includes advice for managers on how to successfully deliver training and how to embed the habits afterward. It also directs managers on how to use...

Build a Chatbot Proof of Concept

Lay the groundwork for a successful chatbot proof of concept while keeping business goals up front by implementing the proper metrics, gathering requirements for chatbot...
  • guided implementation icon

Build a Chatbot Proof of Concept – Executive Brief

Read this executive brief to find out why you should build a chatbot proof of concept, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you in...

Build a Chatbot Proof of Concept – Phases 1-3

Lay the groundwork for a successful chatbot proof of concept while keeping business goals up front by implementing the proper metrics, gathering requirements for chatbot...

Chatbot ROI Calculator

Use this tool to determine if implementing a chatbot can create an ROI for your organization.

Chatbot POC Metrics Tool

Use this tool to record the metrics necessary to manage the success of your chatbot.

Incident Management for Small Enterprise

The ability to respond and recover quickly from unplanned incidents is a critical path in becoming a strategic and trusted partner for the business. This blueprint will...

IT Incident Runbook Prioritization Tool

Prioritize the order in which the IT incident runbooks will be developed based on the frequency and the impact of the potential incidents.

Webinar: Deliver a Customer Service Training Program to Your IT Department

IT leaders often focus on measures of effectiveness and timeliness when evaluating their service desk, missing a key piece of what it takes to provide exceptional service...

IT Incident Management Runbook Blank Template

IT incidents can be categorized into runbooks where a standardized response process is defined, eliminating inconsistency and ambiguity while increasing operational...
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