Infrastructure & Operations - Tools

Service Desk Maturity Assessment

The tool is designed to identify the gaps in your organization’s service desk operation. The assessment includes metrics, processes, and technology.

Service Desk Roadmap

The Service Desk Roadmap helps track outstanding implementation activities from your service desk standardization project.

Ticket and Call Quality Assessment Tool

Better data leads to better decisions. Use the Ticket and Call Quality Assessment Tool to check in on ticket and call quality quarterly and improve the quality of service...

Service Desk Ticket Categorization Schemes

The Ticket Categorization Scheme provides examples of ticket categories to organize the data in the service desk tool and produce reports that help managers manage the...

Chatbot ROI Calculator

Use this tool to determine if implementing a chatbot can create an ROI for your organization.

Chatbot POC Metrics Tool

Use this tool to record the metrics necessary to manage the success of your chatbot.

Chatbot POC Implementation Roadmap

Use this tool to plan and roadmap your action items during and beyond the implementation of your chatbot proof of concept.

Chatbot POC Communication Plan

Use this tool to communicate and market the launch of the chatbot to your organization and stakeholders.

IT Incident Runbook Prioritization Tool

Prioritize the order in which the IT incident runbooks will be developed based on the frequency and the impact of the potential incidents.

Technical Debt Business Impact Analysis Tool

Use this tool to estimate business impact and prioritize critical technical debt.
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