Non-Standard Hardware Request Form

Use this template to collect required information from users requesting non-standard hardware.

HAM Communication Plan

Use this template to build a communication plan for stakeholders involved in the hardware asset management implementation.

Implement Software Asset Management

With no formal standards in place for managing software, organizations are at risk for costly software audits and poorly executed software spends. Implementing software...
  • guided implementation icon

Implement Software Asset Management – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand why software asset management is critical to IT's success.

Implement Software Asset Management – Phases 1-4

This storyboard will help you build processes for each stage of the software asset lifecycle from procurement through to contract retirement.

Implement Software Asset Management – Phase 1: Assess & Plan

This phase of the blueprint, Implement Software Asset Management, will help you assess the current state and plan the scope of the SAM program, team, and budget.

SAM Maturity Assessment

This tool will help you assess the current state of your software asset management processes.

SAM Budget Workbook

This tool will help you help organize, prioritize, and justify your software budget items for the upcoming year.

SAM Standard Operating Procedures

This template is designed to assist you in the creation of a standard operating procedure for software asset management.

Implement Software Asset Management – Phase 2: Procure, Receive & Deploy

This phase of the blueprint, Implement Software Asset Management, will help you define processes for software requests, procurement, receiving, and deployment.
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