Green IT Is Now a Key Component of Sustainability and Competitiveness

Green IT is now mainstream, often part of the overall sustainability program of the campus, and for university IT organizations, can provide common platforms that are not...

Successfully Staff Your Tier 1 Service Desk With Students

Hiring students to staff the front lines of your service desk can be a win-win strategy, but only if you give them the tools and training they need to succeed in a Tier 1...

CIOs in Higher Education Must Leverage IT Capability to Improve Revenue

CIOs and IT Directors in colleges and universities must identify how they can help the organization increase key sources of funds and income. There are three significant...

If You Need to Know What University IT Services Are Like, Ask a Student

Students are among the heaviest users of university IT services but they are notoriously difficult to engage. Design an end-user satisfaction survey that overcomes the...

Drive Recruitment and Retention and Improve Student Success in Higher Education by Leveraging Data and Predictive Analytics

In the face of continuously changing business models, organizations of today are turning to data for leveraging insights to help drive decision making and for achieving...

Technology in Schools: No Student Left Behind

To keep costs down while providing the required level of education through the use of technology, many schools have introduced the idea of permitting students to bring...

Project Status: Red, Yellow, Green, or Greige?

We’ve had a lot of debate about how to define a “red” project or a “yellow” project. It usually comes down to the discussion about what action should be taken, or perhaps...

A Business Case for a Business Case That Will Get Used, Even If It Doesn’t Today

Start small and simple to show value in knowing the value of projects. Buy-in will then follow.

Establish Guiding Principles for Social Media

Social media is a powerful avenue for engaging prospective students, current students, and alumni. Understand the major use cases for social media in higher education and...

Increase Security Detection and Response Capabilities for Higher Education

CISOs of higher education institutions need an undergrad in security prevention but a master’s in detection and response.
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