Guided Implementation

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Industry Coverage

Build or Refresh the WLAN

As individuals increasingly seek to remain in touch with their daily lives while travelling, gaming and hospitality venues are expected to remain...


Establish an Effective System of Internal IT Controls to Mitigate Risks

An effective system of internal IT controls helps the IT department operate as intended by mitigating risks and ensuring that the organization is...

Project & Portfolio Management

Tailor IT Project Management Processes to Fit Your Projects

Successful projects are the #1 driver of satisfaction with IT, but most organizations struggle to achieve consistent project success. Inject...


Develop and Implement a Security Incident Management Program

Organizations face an ever-evolving range of cyberthreats. It is crucial to have a security incident management program to detect, respond, and...


Optimize IT Governance for Dynamic Decision-Making

As business complexity and uncertainty evolve, so too must your governance framework to ensure it remains in alignment with organizational...


Select and Implement a Social Media Management Platform

SMMPs reduce complexity and increase the results of enterprise social media initiatives. SMMPs integrate with a variety of different social media...

Data & Business Intelligence

Establish Data Governance

The amount of data within organizations is growing at an exponential rate, creating a need for organizations to adopt a formal approach to...

Project & Portfolio Management

Establish Realistic IT Resource Management Practices

To properly allocate project work and establish more stable project timelines, PMOs and portfolio managers need to develop a reasonable and...


Create a Service Management Roadmap

More than 80% of the larger enterprises we’ve worked with start out wanting to develop advanced Service Management processes without having the...

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