Info-Tech Express Industry Spotlight: Finance & Insurance

The IT department’s role in ensuring operational efficiency of companies in both the FinTech and InsureTech industries continues to become more and more important....

Info-Tech Express SMB Industry Spotlight: Public Administration

Learn from your peers in government and public administration. The report includes trend data on budgeting and staffing, effort allocation to IT tasks, business...

TCO Comparison Calculator

​The TCO model created by Info-Tech Research Group provides organizations with a framework for managing IT costs at both a strategic level and a daily operational level....

Info-Tech Express Industry Spotlight: Education

Learn from your peers in education. The report includes trend data on budgeting and staffing, effort allocation to IT tasks, business satisfaction with different IT...

Implement an IT Chargeback System

IT needs to recover its costs from those that use IT services with a fair and transparent approach. Develop a chargeback model that explains IT costs in a way that...
  • guided implementation icon

Implement an IT Chargeback System – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand how to implement an IT chargeback program at your organization. Identify and define your user-facing IT services, allocate IT...

Implement an IT Chargeback System – Phases 1-4

This storyboard will help you develop an IT chargeback program that establishes IT cost transparency and accountability for the consumption of IT services.

Implement IT Chargeback – Phase 1: Launch

In the launch phase, you will make the case for IT chargeback. You will then assess the financial maturity of the organization and identify a pathway to success. Lastly,...

IT Chargeback Kick-Off Presentation

Use Info-Tech’s IT Chargeback Kick-Off Presentation to educate business unit leaders and C-level executives on IT chargeback at a high level.

Implement IT Chargeback – Phase 2: Define

In the define phase, you will develop a chargeback model. Activities include identifying user-facing IT services, allocating IT costs to services, and then setting up the...
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