Managers are often too busy focusing on process elements of change; as a result, they neglect major opportunities to leverage and mitigate staff behaviors that affect the...
The war for talent is here, and organizations are losing the battle. With IT unemployment at record lows, IT departments must find new ways to set themselves apart to...
COVID-19 will have implications on your workforce and the way in which work is carried out. You need to plan and communicate to employees now to mitigate risk of exposure...
COVID-19 is showing the true impacts that our volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world can have. The world has been forced to respond, with a pandemic...
Due to the shift in the way we work, there have been changes in the IT department. What are we seeing now and what can we expect for the IT talent of the future?
Communicate diversity and inclusion concepts and expectations to managers, shift employee mindsets towards inclusion, and examine work practices.
This program is for all IT leaders who are accountable for managing employees through times of uncertainty that have the potential of derailing productivity and engagement.
This program is for all IT people leaders who lead functions, oversee resource distribution, build engagement, and enhance productivity.
Research has shown that culture impacts organizational results, including bottom-line metrics such as revenue, cash flow, and stock price. Leaders believe in the effect...
Key roles hold an organization’s most valued knowledge and skills. In the worst cast scenario, a key employee’s departure results in loss of valuable knowledge, core...