Use this workbook as a model for your homegrown resource management solution, which can also serve as a PPM solution. This is a lightweight version of Info-Tech's...
Use this tool to design a stakeholder research study and record your observations to validate your stakeholder journey map.
This tool will help you assess your current and target PPM capability levels, explore tool options, and analyze costs and benefits.
This tool is an organizer to track the responses you receive, and a presentation tool should a meeting be needed, and contains three parts: Email Feedback on Value...
The Metrics Tracking Tool enables you to track goals and success metrics for your service metrics programs. It allows you to set long-term goals and track your results...
Use this tool to create an IT cost-cutting plan.
The TCO model created by Info-Tech Research Group provides organizations with a framework for managing IT costs at both a strategic level and a daily operational level....
Use the Organizational Change Management Impact Analysis Tool to analyze the effects of a change across the organization, and to assess the likelihood of adoption in...
Use this Stakeholder Engagement Workbook to create a prioritized list of people who are affected or can affect your project, and to determine how best to communicate with...
Use this Organizational Change Management Playbook to institute and continue to improve best practices around organizational change.