Use the IT Integration Roadmap Tool to track key elements during the M&A discovery, integration planning, and execution phases.
Assess your current quality management maturity.
Use this template to form a standard quality review template that can be used to periodically review the performance of the quality initiatives in your key IT practice areas.
Use this dashboard to track your quality management metrics.
Use this tool to determine if your IT department is ready for the change associated with the quality management program.
Assess the current quality management maturity of each IT practice area.
Use this tool to track your quality management improvement initiatives.
Use this workbook as a model or first iteration for your homegrown PPM solution. Follow the steps in Info-Tech's Grow Your Own PPM Solution blueprint to populate,...
Incubate ideas in this Idea Reservoir, and use it to rank ideas based on their alignment with current organizational innovation goals.
This tool helps the CIO and IT due diligence team with tracking and documenting ongoing information discoveries throughout the due diligence phase of an M&A transaction.