CIO - Templates & Policies

Employee Recognition Ideas Catalog

Use this catalog to explore proven approaches to formal and day-to-day recognition.

Recognition Action and Communication Plan

Use this template to establish the actions and communications required to implement the recognition program.

Manager Training: Reinforce Behavior With Recognition

Use this presentation deck to train managers to recognize employees.

Engagement Progress One-Pager

This one-page template presents an at-a-glance summary of recent milestones around employee engagement to help you keep your engagement program top of mind for your team...

Engagement Strategy Record

This template serves as a high-level summary of your engagement program goals and metrics, key insights from your survey results, and your engagement action plan.

Engagement Communication Template

This template contains readily customizable emails to enable you to maintain open communication with your team in every stage of your engagement program.

Mentoring Program Guidelines

Use the Mentoring Program Guidelines Template to help you document your mentoring program.

Mentoring Agreement Template

Use the Mentoring Agreement Template to ensure understanding and agreement between both parties of the mentoring relationship.

Individual Competency Development Plan

Use this template to allow employees to document their development planning priorities, action plans, and progress.

IT Manager Job Aid: Employee Development

Use this job aid to outline the employee development process, roles, and responsibilities for managers.
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