Proactively Identify and Mitigate Vendor Risk

CIOs are faced with increasing pressure to successfully deliver IT projects that meet business needs on time and within budget while depending on many new and unproven...
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Vendor Communication Management Plan

Most SaaS purchases involve a broad range of stakeholders -- create and implement a plan to ensure effective communication throughout the negotiation process.

Controlled Vendor Communications Letter

Establish a single point of contact and create a communication vacuum to help leverage your negotiation position.

Understand Common IT Contract Provisions to Negotiate More Effectively

Info-Tech’s guidance and insights will help you navigate the complex process of contract review and identify the key details necessary to maximize the protections for...
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Business Capability Evaluation Matrix Template

A business capability is an abstraction that helps describe what the enterprise does to achieve its vision, mission, and goals. A business capability can be further...

Application Maintenance Strategy Project Workbook

This workbook contains a series of exercises for recording key decisions in executing an application maintenance strategy project.

Application Maintenance Stage Gate Assessment

This stage gate checklist allows the IT department to determine if it is ready to take on the task of improving its application maintenance processes.

What are the pros and cons of fat and thin architectures, and will thin replace fat in the future?

The future of thin client architecture and an overview of the pros and cons for fat vs. thin architectures.

Scenario Template

Vendor demonstrations will prove that vendors can deliver on their promises. Provide vendors with a specific, straightforward explanation of what they must show during...

Avoid the Next Heartbleed

This is a brief research note for Info-Tech’s members about the Heartbleed bug, i.e. the first security vulnerability with worldwide impact and response. Understand which...
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