Team Leadership & Management - Storyboard

Build a Strategic IT Workforce Plan – Phases 1-3

Build a strategic workforce plan to drive IT engagement and productivity, and limit workforce gaps.

Storyboard: Lead Staff through Change

Focus is often first placed on figuring out the operational and process changes, leaving the people aspect until the end. This is the biggest mistake a manager can make...

Build an IT Succession Plan Storyboard

Losing employees in key roles without adequate preparation for their departure hinders productivity, knowledge retention, relationships, and opportunities. Practice sound...

Storyboard: Help Managers Inform, Interact, and Involve on the Way to Team Engagement

Employee engagement on the team level should be owned by those who have the greatest impact on employees’s daily lives – their managers.

Implement a New Organizational Structure – Phase 3: Lead Staff Through the Reorganization

This phase of the blueprint, Implement a New Organizational Structure, will help you transition your employees to their new roles through manager training and transition...

Implement a New Organizational Structure – Phase 2: Build the Organizational Transition Plan

This phase of the blueprint, Implement a New Organizational Structure, will help you develop a holistic plan of your organizational change.

Design Your IT Organization for the Future – Phases 1-4

This storyboard is a step-by-step guide on how to design the right IT organizational structure to ensure objectives are always achieved.

Implement a New Organizational Structure – Phase 1: Build a Change Communication Strategy

This phase of the blueprint, Implement a New Organizational Structure, will help you launch your organizational design change project and recruit your implementation team.

Build a Strategic Workforce Plan – Phase 2: Analyze Workforce Needs

Your workforce is more than the jobs you have. For a holistic picture, you need to consider your organization’s culture, competencies, and potential.

The First 100 Days As CIO – Storyboard

The first 100 days is a critical period that will determine a new CIO's career prospects and the organization's success in the long term. Learn how to approach it with...
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