Security - Blueprints

Embed Privacy and Security Culture Within Your Organization

A strong security program and privacy framework are fundamental to successful organizations and require a proactive approach that embeds principles in the operational...
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Implement Risk-Based Vulnerability Management

Vulnerabilities will always exist. Addressing these will consume your department’s time and resources, and your efforts will quickly become stale as new vulnerabilities...
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Identify the Components of Your Cloud Security Architecture

Info-Tech has developed an approach to cloud security that is built on the strong foundations of our security strategy model that has been successfully implemented across...
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Achieve Digital Resilience by Managing Digital Risk

In a world dominated by rapid digital development, every risk is a digital risk. As a result, risk no longer exists in isolation in the IT or audit department of a...
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Secure Your High-Risk Data

What’s the key to a data security plan that keeps breaches at bay? A multi-layered approach that covers all the bases and data sources. Comprehensive security that’s as...
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Cost-Optimize Your Security Budget

This blueprint will help you rise to the challenge of a cost-optimization mandate by helping you assess how well your people, process, and technology help to lower...
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Mature Your Identity and Access Management Program

Weak identity and access management (IAM) practices result in considerable risk to the organization because IAM plays a role in most things in IT. Info-Tech provides a...
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Master M&A Cybersecurity Due Diligence

This research is designed to help organizations who are preparing for a merger or acquisition and need help with understanding the information security risks associated...
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Build a Cloud Security Strategy

Info-Tech has developed an approach to cloud security that is built on the strong foundations of our security strategy model that has been successfully implemented across...
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Determine Your Zero Trust Readiness

Traditionally, IT security was typified by perimeter security, like you would see in a castle and moat, where if you could get through the front gates, you were trusted...
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