
Select and Implement a Social Media Management Platform – Phase 1: Develop a Technology Enablement Approach for Social Media

This phase of the blueprint, Select and Implement a Social Media Management Platform, will help you determine if a dedicated SMMP is right for your organization.

Select and Implement a Social Media Management Platform – Phase 2: Select an SMMP

Use the Vendor Landscape findings and project guidance in this phase to support your organization in developing requirements for your SMMP RFP, evaluation, and...

Select and Implement a Social Media Management Platform – Phase 3: Review Implementation Considerations

Even a solution that is a perfect fit for an organization will fail to generate value if it is not properly implemented or measured. Conduct the necessary planning before...

Build an IT Budget – Phases 1-3

An effective IT budget tells the story of how IT is going to deliver value to the business. Make the business your partner to understand its future needs. This blueprint...

Redesign IT Governance to Drive Optimal Business Results – Phase 3: Redesign the Governance Framework

This phase of the blueprint, Redesign IT Governance to Drive Optimal Business Results, will help you create a structure and committees that govern effectively.

Build an IT Budget That Demonstrates Value Delivery – Phase 1: Plan

This phase of the blueprint will help you identify and engage the right stakeholders for the budgeting process, collect all the information you will need to build the...

Build an IT Budget That Demonstrates Value Delivery – Phase 2: Build

This phase of the blueprint will help you forecast operating costs using incremental budgeting and capital costs using zero-based budgeting techniques.

Build an IT Budget That Demonstrates Value Delivery – Phase 3: Sell

This phase of the blueprint will help you communicate the value IT delivers to the organization using the budget. It will help you create an effective presentation and...

Develop and Document a Disaster Recovery Plan for the Small Enterprise – Phases 1-4

This research provides you with the tool set to break down the complex, often overwhelming task of designing a DRP. Leverage this catered blueprint to navigate the...

Develop and Document a Disaster Recovery Plan for the Small Enterprise – Phase 1: Define Parameters for the DRP

This research provides your small enterprise environment with the tool set to break down the complex, often overwhelming task of designing a DRP.
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