Build an IT Budget That Demonstrates Value Delivery – Phase 3: Sell

Author(s): David Yackness, David Glazer, Mitansh Dave

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This phase of the blueprint will help you communicate the value IT delivers to the organization using the budget. It will help you create an effective presentation and ensure you are prepared to answer some of the concerns your CFO may have. The budget will also be validated at this phase with the help of your direct reports, business unit heads, and trusted advisors.

This phase will take you through the following activities:

  • Ensure budget includes required information.
  • Validate and fix anomalies.
  • Share your budget internally.
  • Construct a budget presentation.
  • Sell your financial budget.
  • Build your budgeting people, process, and technology capabilities.

Use this phase as part of the full blueprint, Build an IT Budget That Demonstrates Value Delivery.

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