Improve Desk-Side Support Workload by Up to 30% through Remote Desktop Controls

Remote desktop control saves valuable time and resources. Eliminating desk-side visits and reducing help desk workload by up to 30% can turn the help desk team into...

Data Center Access Policy

The data center access policy will outline the standards for regulating access to the company data center(s).

Server Configuration Policy

The server configuration policy establishes the standards, procedures, and restrictions for new servers being installed within the company.

Improve IT-Business Alignment Through an Internal SLA

​The business is rarely satisfied with current service levels. However this dissatisfaction is often based on perception. Without an internal SLA that effectively tracks...
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Improve IT-Business Alignment Through an Internal SLA – Executive Brief

Understand business requirements, clarify current capabilities, and enable strategies to close service level gaps.

Improve IT-Business Alignment Through an Internal SLA – Phases 1-3

Understand business requirements, clarify current capabilities, and enable strategies to close service level gaps.

Improve IT-Business Alignment Through an Internal SLA – Phase 1: Scope the Pilot Project

Identify the benefits of an SLA. Identify the pilot project. Create the pilot project charter.

Internal SLA Maturity Scorecard Tool

Create a roadmap of your overall service maturity, and leverage recommendations to get you where you want to go.

Improve IT-Business Alignment Through an Internal SLA – Phase 2: Determine Current Service Levels

Document current IT operational procedures. Identify the metrics to track.

Improve IT-Business Alignment Through an Internal SLA – Phase 3: Set Target Service Levels and Create the SLA

Validate your current state. Develop a project roadmap. Create the internal SLA.
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