Infrastructure & Operations

Manage Your Chromebooks and MacBooks

Chromebooks and MacBooks must be afforded the same considerations as the Windows devices when it comes to management. The good news is that there is no lack of available...

Endpoint Management Selection Tool

This tool will help you determine the features and options you want or need in an endpoint management solution.

Enterprise Storage Solution Considerations Storyboard

Enterprise storage has evolved with more options than ever. Understand the building blocks of storage so you can select the best solution. Look to existing use cases to...

Enterprise Storage Solution Considerations

Enterprise storage has evolved with more options than ever. The traditional storage vendors are not alone in the market and the solutions they offer are no longer...

Take Action on Service Desk Customer Feedback

Understand how and why to measure customer satisfaction with the service desk, then design both a transactional and relationship survey to collect feedback, and build a...

End-User Satisfaction Survey Review Workflows

This template will help you map out the step-by-step process to review collected feedback from your end-user satisfaction surveys, analyze the data, and act on it.

Transactional Service Desk Survey Template

Use this template to design or write your transactional (ticket) satisfaction survey.

Sample Size Calculator v2

A tool to calculate the sample size needed for your survey.

Take Action on Service Desk Customer Feedback Storyboard

Learn how to set up a customer feedback program for your service desks.

Sample Size Calculator

A tool to calculate the sample size needed for your survey.
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