Infrastructure & Operations

Establish a Communication and Collaboration System Strategy – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you improve your approach to collaboration services.

Establish a Communication and Collaboration System Strategy

Focus on creating a streamlined set of tools that users need and want. Shape demand for these supported tools by engaging with end users long after the initial deployment.
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Enterprise Collaboration Strategy Template

Use this template to document your vision, goals, and approach to communication and collaboration systems.

Three Reasons Why VDI Went From Next Big Thing to Just Another Thing

2018 will be the year of virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI)! Just kidding. Despite the hype, VDI has consistently fallen short of revolutionizing end-user computing....

Hyperconvergence for the SMB

Cost-constrained organizations with modest virtual server infrastructures (under 30 VMs) are baulking at the cost of hyperconverged infrastructure. There are SMB HCI...

When Video Conferencing Won’t Save Money

Frequent employee travel can have a negative impact on the company’s bottom line as well as the employee’s well-being. When companies are looking to reduce travel costs...

Develop Infrastructure & Operations Policies and Procedures

IT policies are written, approved, signed – and forgotten for years because no one has time to maintain or enforce them. Create effective policies for Infrastructure &...
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Develop Infrastructure & Operations Policies and Procedures – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you create effective, manageable Infrastructure & Operations policies and procedures.

Develop Infrastructure & Operations Policies and Procedures – Phase 3: Document Effective Procedures

This phase of the blueprint Develop Infrastructure & Operations Policies and Procedures will help you document effective procedures to support policies.

Develop Infrastructure & Operations Policies and Procedures – Phase 2: Develop Policies

This phase of the blueprint Develop Infrastructure & Operations Policies and Procedures will help you create policies using Info-Tech templates.
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