Network use cases and capacity demands are constantly increasing, and the network must be able to react with stability and agility. Use Info-Tech’s approach to develop a...
This blueprint will help you implement a systems management solution to improve availability and visibility.
Organizations are struggling to keep current with the constant release of new deployments, patches, and updates. Use this blueprint to help you assess gaps in your...
This tool should be used to monitor key performance indicators and report the success of your release and deployment management process to stakeholders.
This template will help you record the output of the activities undertaken during the first two phases of the storyboard, Exploit Disruptive Infrastructure Technology.
Outsourcing can extend your systems management capabilities and save money in the process, but many organizations report dissatisfaction with their outsourcing...
Use the Mentoring Agreement Template to ensure understanding and agreement between both parties of the mentoring relationship.
Prioritize business units for BCP planning, based on the severity and scope of business impact.
Building up business continuity capabilities is a marathon; most organizations don't have the resources to mitigate all risks immediately.
Summarize and present key findings and recommendations from core DRP exercises and documents.