Release and Deployment Management Metrics Tool

Author(s): Paul Brown, Abiella Schneider-Friedman

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This tool should be used to monitor key performance indicators and report the success of your release and deployment management process to stakeholders.

Metrics should be measured and recorded monthly to drive continued process improvement, and prove the value of your investment in the release and deployment management process.

  • Use five critical key performance indicators, all of which can be measured manually if monitoring tools are not available.
  • Set realistic targets for metrics and record your baseline so that you can measure progress going forward.
  • Track the progress of each metric against the targets you set. These results are displayed graphically for easy assessment.

These graphs should indicate how well the release and deployment process is being enforced, and how much value is being added by new processes, staff, or automation. These metrics should be reported to stakeholders to prove the value of your process.

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