Atlassian Acquires Helpdesk Tool Halp

Atlassian has acquired Halp, a real-time helpdesk tool that integrates with Slack. With the broader context of this move being Atlassian and Slack’s strategic alliance,...

Dropbox Deepens Integration With Zoom and Adds Support for Saving Meeting Recordings

Software that facilitates enterprise file synchronization and sharing (EFSS) is always key to getting work done, but now, with many businesses operating under the...

Software for Virtual AGMs and Shareholder Meetings

Remote annual general meetings and shareholder meetings have certain end-user requirements that cannot be fully met by standard go-to web conferencing tools. Explore what...

Microsoft Teams Cookbook – Executive Brief

Learn critical insights for an effective Teams rollout.

Microsoft Teams Cookbook

Use Info-Tech’s Microsoft Teams Cookbook to successfully implement and use Teams. This cookbook includes recipes for IT best practices for governance over Teams rollout...

Microsoft Teams Cookbook – Section 1: Teams for IT

Understand best practices for governance of the Teams creation process and Teams rollout.

Microsoft Teams Cookbook – Sections 1-2

Use Info-Tech's Microsoft Teams Cookbook to successfully implement and utilize Teams.

Microsoft Teams Cookbook – Section 2: Teams for End Users

Get end users on board with this series of how-tos and common use cases for Teams.

Verizon Acquires BlueJeans for $400-500 Million

Verizon has acquired BlueJeans for between $400-500 million. The move will see BlueJeans integrated into Verizon’s 5G plans, utilizing BlueJeans' advanced and encrypted...

Made in Canada COVID-19 Contact Tracing App:

The Vector Institute unveiled, a COVID-19 contact tracing app being developed by a team led by Alán Aspuru-Guzik, the Vector faculty member and Professor of...
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