Guided Implementation

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Secure Your High-Risk Data

What’s the key to a data security plan that keeps breaches at bay? A multi-layered approach that covers all the bases and data sources....

Project & Portfolio Management

Drive Business Value With a Right-Sized Project Gating Process

Gating can be a great mechanism for portfolio governance, and to do that, we need to stop limiting our gates to project management processes....

Infrastructure & Operations

Take Control of Cloud Costs on AWS

Develop processes, procedures, and policies to effectively manage cloud costs.


Cost-Optimize Your Security Budget

This blueprint will help you rise to the challenge of a cost-optimization mandate by helping you assess how well your people, process, and...


Mature Your Identity and Access Management Program

Weak identity and access management (IAM) practices result in considerable risk to the organization because IAM plays a role in most things in...

Vendor Management

Implement Your Negotiation Strategy More Effectively

Preparing to negotiate is only half the battle, and successfully implementing your negotiation strategy requires attention to the subtle nuances...


Conduct an AI Privacy Risk Assessment

Design an AI implementation that is guided by data governance and data privacy best practices. Effective AI implementation is built on a...

Data & Business Intelligence

Build a Data Pipeline for Reporting and Analytics

Data management has distinct phasing. Fitting all phases inside a single data warehouse environment creates an unmanageable monster. Instead,...


Master M&A Cybersecurity Due Diligence

This research is designed to help organizations who are preparing for a merger or acquisition and need help with understanding the information...

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