Define Your Cloud Vision

This blueprint reviews the characteristics, pros, and cons of cloud services, helping readers understand when to employ software-, platform-, and...
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Enterprise Architecture Trends Report

The trends in this report impact and are impacted by enterprise architecture.

Enterprise Architecture Trends

In an accelerated path to digitization, the increasingly important role of Enterprise Architecture is one of collaboration across siloes, inside and outside the...

Build an IT Risk Management Program – Phases 1-3

Managing risk has never been more important. Ensure that your organization has an established and manageable way of governing a process related to identifying, assessing,...

Workforce Planning Workbook

Use this tool to document talent needs and availability, the impact of internal and external trends, workforce estimates, and initiatives to close workforce gaps.

Build a Strategic IT Workforce Plan – Phases 1-3

Build a strategic workforce plan to drive IT engagement and productivity, and limit workforce gaps.

Build a Strategic IT Workforce Plan – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to discover how Info-Tech can help you build a strategic workforce plan for IT.

Build a Strategic Workforce Plan – Phase 3: Build and Monitor the SWP

The effort you put in place to fill workforce gaps needs to be appropriate for the benefits you hope to achieve. Fiercely prioritize your initiatives and ensure the...

Build a Strategic Workforce Plan – Phase 1: Initiate the Project

Begin your strategic workforce planning project by identifying goals and metrics, and drafting a project charter.

Build a Strategic Workforce Plan – Phase 2: Analyze Workforce Needs

Your workforce is more than the jobs you have. For a holistic picture, you need to consider your organization’s culture, competencies, and potential.
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