Strategy & Governance

Implement a New Organizational Structure – Phase 3: Lead Staff Through the Reorganization

This phase of the blueprint, Implement a New Organizational Structure, will help you transition your employees to their new roles through manager training and transition...

Organizational Design Implementation Manager Training Guide

Use this presentation template to conduct a workshop with your managers to train them on leading their staff through the reorganization.

Organizational Design Implementation Stakeholder Engagement Plan Template

Use this template in conjunction with the manager training guide to build stakeholder engagement plans for your employees.

Organizational Design Implementation Transition Plan Template

Use this template to document all of the changes to your employees' roles during the reorganization implementation.

Blowing up the status quo: Brexit will impact IT in the UK and beyond

The Brexit vote says Leave. UK-based IT leaders must start to plan for a potentially new era of trans-border data flow and the availability of IT staff. Those in the rest...

Info-Tech Express Industry Spotlight: Education

Learn from your peers in education. The report includes trend data on budgeting and staffing, effort allocation to IT tasks, business satisfaction with different IT...

Establish a Foresight Capability

An innovative CIO must identify relevant trends early and respond to them quickly. By applying strategic foresight, CIOs can help their organizations become more...
  • guided implementation icon

Establish a Foresight Capability – Executive Brief

Read our concise Executive Brief to find out how to effectively apply strategic foresight, review Info-Tech’s methodology, and understand the four ways we can support you...

Establish a Foresight Capability – Phases 1-4

By applying strategic foresight, CIOs can help their organizations become more proactive about technological innovation, and in doing so, become more competitive.

Establish a Foresight Capability – Phase 1: Signal Gathering

A signal of change will typically be some sort of event or observed behavior that indicates a divergence from the status quo. This phase will help you develop a better...
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