CIO - Storyboard

Stabilize Release and Deployment Management – Phases 1-4

Organizations are struggling to keep current with the constant release of new deployments, patches, and updates. Use this blueprint to help you assess gaps in your...

Storyboard: Optimize the Mentoring Program to Build a High Performing Learning Organization

As workforce composition shifts, mentoring programs must move beyond the traditional senior-junior format option. Organizational culture and goals will dictate the best...

Storyboard: Manage Stakeholder Relations

Design a stakeholder management plan and a communication plan to tailor your approach for maximum success.

Storyboard: Establish a Service-Based Costing Model

Service-based costing brings clarity to IT expenditures and visibility to IT consumption. However, overcoming the challenges of service-based costing requires a logical...

Mitigate Key IT Employee Knowledge Loss Storyboard

Use this tool to define a specific process for managing security incidents and reducing their effects on the organization. Through effective knowledge transfer, minimize...

Storyboard: Make IT a Partner in Successful M&A Due Diligence

Organizations continue to underestimate the role of IT in M&A transactions. The involvement of IT in the due diligence phase is critical to providing a better view of...

Kick-Start IT-Led Business Innovation Storyboard – Phases 1-4

Start facilitating innovation to advance the reputation of IT and gain reputation as a true strategic partner.

Kick-Start IT-Led Business Innovation – Phase 1: Launch Innovation

Launch innovation by sponsoring a clear mandate and building the team that will help you meet it.

Kick-Start IT-Led Business Innovation – Phase 2: Ideate

Use proven ideation techniques to identify opportunities for IT-led innovation and brainstorm effective solutions.

Kick-Start IT-Led Business Innovation – Phase 3: Prototype

Create rapid prototypes that allow users to experience an idea before it is built. Prototyping will give you the feedback you need to refine the solution and prepare to...
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