Kick-Start IT-Led Business Innovation – Phase 1: Launch Innovation

Author(s): Abiella Schneider-Friedman

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Do not wait to begin sourcing ideas that will advance the reputation of IT. It will only take a few weeks to assemble a team to start facilitating IT-led innovation.

Use the activities in this phase to:

  • Identify areas that IT needs to innovate around in order to increase business satisfaction.
  • Assemble an innovation working group.
  • Assign roles and responsibilities for the innovation process.
  • Communicate the innovation initiative to the rest of the department.
  • Prepare the team to begin sourcing ideas and launch the initiative.

Put just enough structure around your innovation initiative to get it kick-started effectively.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Kick-Start IT-Led Business Innovation

Innovate now – formalize later! Digital transformation won't wait.

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