Kick-Start IT-Led Business Innovation – Phase 3: Prototype

Author(s): Abiella Schneider-Friedman

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Ideation will fill your reservoir with ideas. Prototyping will filter them until only the most valuable and feasible remain. You should experiment with ideas rapidly to validate the need for each idea and demonstrate that the solution has potential value. A prototype allows your user or customer to experience your idea before you have built it, and gives you enough evidence to turn a concept into a real project.

Use the activities in this phase to:

  • Understand the purpose and outcomes of prototyping.
  • Map the journey the user will follow when interacting with the idea, and document the assumptions that need to be tested through prototyping.
  • Understand hypothesis testing and common prototyping approaches.
  • Select the testing environment and solicit user feedback.
  • Determine whether you require another iteration of prototyping.
  • Decide when you are ready to formally pitch the idea to the steering committee.

By the end of this phase you will have gained sufficient confidence in your ideas to make the case for full or pilot deployment.

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Kick-Start IT-Led Business Innovation

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