To achieve greater likelihood that your project will stay on track, watch out for the four big pitfalls: scope creep, failure to obtain stakeholder commitment, inability...
Mentoring can be more than a senior-junior power relationship. Use this solution set to amp up your program to support the development of quality learning relationships.
The responsibility of employee engagement has been abdicated to HR and the executive team for years. It’s time for managers to take ownership.
Managers are often too busy focusing on process elements of change; as a result, they neglect major opportunities to leverage and mitigate staff behaviors that affect the...
Service-based costing brings clarity to IT expenditures and visibility to IT consumption. However, overcoming the challenges of service-based costing requires a logical...
Even though IT-related activities can be the larget cost item in an M&A, many organizations continue to underestimate the role IT plays in successfully executing a merger...
Many organizations forget the essential role IT plays during M&A integration. The involvement of IT is critical to providing a better view of risks, improving ease of...
IT needs to recover its costs from those that use IT services with a fair and transparent approach. Develop a chargeback model that explains IT costs in a way that...
Organizations must have a clear understanding of their IT services and how IT delivers them. Use the structured guidelines within this blueprint to help you document the...
Stakeholder management is something everyone does, but unfortunately few people actually do well. Taking the time to properly identify critical stakeholders and...