Use the Vendor Landscape findings and project guidance in this phase to support your organization in developing requirements for your SMMP RFP, evaluation, and...
Even a solution that is a perfect fit for an organization will fail to generate value if it is not properly implemented or measured. Conduct the necessary planning before...
This phase of the blueprint, Embrace Information Lifecycle Management in Your ECM Program, will help you create the core components that guide the rest of your ILM...
This phase of the blueprint, Embrace Information Lifecycle Management in Your ECM Program, will help you define an information classification scheme and identify the key...
This phase, Define Your Organization's Data Quality Practice, will help you to understand what data quality is and what the common root causes of poor data quality are,...
This phase, Analyze Your Priorities for Data Quality Fixes, will help you to prioritize your data quality improvement projects at the business unit level in order to...
This phase, Fix Your Data Quality Issues, will bring you through the process of understanding what the root causes of your data quality issues are, as well as create an...
This phase, Sustain Your Data Quality Practices, will help you create a strategy for sustaining the data quality management program through incorporation into the larger...
This blueprint enables you to create the right-sized solution architecture, which satisfies the most critical needs of system quality.
This storyboard will help you follow a structured approach for translating an enterprise digital strategy into specific enterprise application initiatives.