Business Processes - Storyboard

Reduce Time to Consensus With an Accelerated Business Case – Phase 2: Conduct the Business Case Analysis

This phase of the blueprint, Reduce Time to Consensus With an Accelerated Business Case, will walk you through the assessment of the initiative in question.

Modernize Your Applications – Phase 3: Plan Your Modernization

This phase of the blueprint, Modernize Your Applications, will help you build a practical and achievable modernization roadmap.

Negotiate SaaS Agreements That Are Built to Last – Phase 2: Redline Contract

This phase of the blueprint, Negotiate SaaS Agreements that are Built to Last, will help you redline your proposed SaaS contract.

Master Contract Review and Negotiation for Software Agreements – Phase 3: Negotiate Contract

This phase of the blueprint, Master Contract Review and Negotiation for Software Agreements, will help you create a thorough negotiation plan.

Negotiate SaaS Agreements That Are Built to Last – Phase 3: Negotiate Contract

This phase of the blueprint, Negotiate SaaS Agreements that are Built to Last, will help you create a thorough negotiation plan.

Master Contract Review and Negotiation for Software Agreements – Phases 1-3

Review your software contracts to leverage your unique position during negotiations and find substantial cost savings.

Master Contract Review and Negotiation for Software Agreements – Phase 2: Redline Contract

This phase of the blueprint, Master Contract Review and Negotiation for Software Agreements, will help you redline your proposed software contract.

Build a Winning Business Process Automation Playbook – Phases 1-3

This blueprint helps you develop a repeatable approach to understand your process challenges and to optimize and automate strategic business processes.

Create a Winning BPI Playbook – Phase 3: Analyze

This phase of the blueprint will assist in analyzing the current-state diagram that was constructed in the previous phase.

Modernize Your Applications – Phases 1-3

This storyboard will help you adopt the right application modernization techniques to meet your business and IT objectives.
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