Build a Winning Business Process Automation Playbook – Phases 1-3

Author(s): Andrew Kum-Seun

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Automation is not the silver-bullet solution to your workforce productivity challenges. Optimization and automation (optimation) must be used together to remove root-cause inefficiencies and best utilize the features and capabilities of your automation solutions. This blueprint will help you build the foundational practices to support your adoption of business process automation by following our three-phase approach:

  • Identify Automation Opportunities
  • Define Your Minimum Viable Automations (MVAs)
  • Deliver Your MVAs

Tailor your business process automation practice so that it addresses your key process challenges, can achieve your vision, and provides enough guidance to motivate, support, and empower to fully leverage process automation.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Build a Winning Business Process Automation Playbook

Optimize and automate your business processes with a user-centric approach.

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