Select and Implement an IT PPM Solution

Base your IT PPM tool selection on usability not features.


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Historically, organizations have struggled to attain the long-term sustainable adoption of the PPM solutions needed to improve the ability of the project portfolio to produce value and to improve core stakeholders’ satisfaction with the PMO.

  • Wide-spread failure to secure long-term sustainable adoption of commercial PPM solutions
  • The selection of PPM solutions that are too complex and difficult to maintain
  • The selection of PPM solutions that cannot handle the quantity and diversity of the project data contained in your organization’s project portfolio

If implemented successfully, commercial PPM solutions reduce the time and labor required to collect large quantities of complex and diverse project data and quickly produce reliable and up-to-date reports required by executive decision makers to make tough project choices. This frees up PMO resources to engage more directly with business leaders and project teams.

  • Improved awareness of portfolio-wide project capacity
  • Improved demand management (project intake and prioritization)
  • Improved resource management
  • Improved portfolio success (strategic alignment, operational efficiency, and stakeholder satisfaction)

Book Your Workshop

Onsite Workshops offer an easy way to accelerate your project. If you are unable to do the project yourself, and a Guided Implementation isn’t enough, we offer low-cost onsite delivery of our Project Workshops. We take you through every phase of your project and ensure that you have a road map in place to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Launch the PPM Solution Project and Gather Requirements

The Purpose

  • Create a PPM solution selection and implementation project charter.
  • Gather the business and technical requirements for the PPM solution.
  • Establish clear and measurable success criteria for your PPM solution project.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Comprehensive project plan
  • Comprehensive and organized record of the various PPM solution requirements
  • A record of PPM solution project goals and criteria that can be used in the future to establish the success of the project

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Brainstorm, refine, and prioritize your PPM solution needs
  • High-level outline of PPM solution requirements
1.2 Stakeholder identification exercise
  • Stakeholder consultation plan
1.3 Project charter work session
  • A draft project charter and action plan to fill in project charter gaps
1.4 Requirements gathering work session
  • A draft requirements workbook and action plan to fill in requirement gathering gaps
1.5 PPM solution success metrics workbook session
  • A PPM project success metrics workbook that can be used during and after the project

Module 2: Select a PPM Solution

The Purpose

  • Identify the PPM solutions that are most appropriate for your organization’s size and level of PPM maturity.
  • Create a PPM solution and vendor shortlist.
  • Create a request for proposal (RFP).
  • Create a PPM solution scoring and evaluation tool.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Knowledge of the PPM solution market and the various features available
  • An informed shortlist of PPM vendors
  • An organized and focused method for evaluating the often long and complex responses to the RFP that vendors provide
  • The groundwork for an informed and defensible selection of a PPM solution for your organization

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Assess the size of your organization and the level of PPM maturity to select the most appropriate use case
  • Identification of the most appropriate use case in Info-Tech’s Vendor Landscape
2.2 PPM solution requirements and criteria ranking activity
  • A refined and organized list of the core features that will be included in the RFP
2.3 An RFP working session
  • A draft RFP with an action plan to fill in any RFP gaps
2.4 Build an RFP evaluation tool
  • An Excel tool that can be used to compare and evaluate vendors’ responses to the RFP

Module 3: Prepare for the PPM Solution Implementation

The Purpose

  • To think ahead to the eventual implementation of the solution that will occur once the selection phase is completed

Key Benefits Achieved

  • An understanding of key insights and steps that will help avoid mistakes resulting in poor adoption or PPM solutions that end up producing little tangible value

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Outline high-level implementation stages
  • High-level implementation tasks and milestones
  • A RACI chart for core implementation tasks
3.2 Organizational change management strategy session
  • A high-level PPM solution implementation organizational change management strategy
  • A RACI chart for core organizational change management tasks related to the PPM solution implementation
3.3 A PPM project success metrics planning session
  • A PPM project success metrics schedule and plan
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