Select an Enterprise Application Software Storyboard

Author(s): Hong Kwok

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Selecting and implementing an EAS is the most expensive and time-consuming technology transformation an organization can undertake. EAS projects are notorious for time and budget overruns, with a fraction of the anticipated benefits being realized. The risk of making the wrong technology selection or failing to plan for an EAS implementation has significant – and possibly career-killing – implications. This blueprint will help your organization plan for, select, and prepare to implement of an EAS by guiding you through the following phases:

1. Build alignment and assemble the team

2. Define your EAS

3. Engage, evaluate, and finalize selection

4. Prepare for implementation

Streamline your selection and implementation project by leveraging Info-Tech's comprehensive set of tools and templates throughout.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Select an Enterprise Application

Selecting a best-fit solution requires balancing needs, cost, and vendor capability.

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