Vendor Landscape Storyboard: Mid-Market Project Portfolio Management

Author(s): Barry Cousins, Brian Frank


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Leading mid-market PPM solutions distinguish themselves and add business value at all levels of the organization by facilitating collaboration, supporting geographically distributed teams, and providing real-time visibility into the work people are actually doing across the entire organization.

Use this research to:

  • Gain an overview of mid-market PPM solutions available and the associated strengths and weaknesses.
  • Determine your use case for mid-market PPM deployment and evaluate vendors based on the advanced features that are most beneficial to your needs.
  • Select the correct vendor based on scenario analysis.

Ensure you make the correct PPM decision for your enterprise needs. Use the basic and advanced features lists as a baseline to determine initial and future requirements.

View the Complete Blueprint:

Vendor Landscape: Mid-Market Project Portfolio Management

Collaboration meets project portfolio management.

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