SLO Tracker & Trending Tool

Use this tool to track a service provider's SLO attainments and credits.

SLA Checklist

Use this tool to validate that required elements are contained within an SLA.

SLA Evaluation Tool

This tool will allow you to record providers' SLOs and other SLA elements. From there you can rate the SLOs. The tool will provide an overall rating of the SLA.

SLA Template & Metrics Reference Guide

Use this tool to create basic SLA templates. It contains referenceable SLO metrics for various service types.

Reduce Risk With Rock-Solid Service-Level Agreements – Executive Brief

Read this Executive Brief to understand the challenges that IT leaders and contract administrators face when trying to understand the complex elements and components of...

Reduce Risk With Rock-Solid Service-Level Agreements – Phases 1-3

This project will provide an understanding of different types of SLAs, the required elements, and what they mean to your organization; how to identify meaningful service...

Reduce Risk With Rock-Solid Service-Level Agreements

Customers struggle to understand and evaluate what’s in the SLA and if they are meaningful and to protect their investment. Not understanding the details of SLAs...
  • guided implementation icon

Oracle Dives Deep Into Healthcare With Cerner Acquisition

Multifaceted analysis of Oracle’s pending acquisition of Cerner to include business impact analysis, potential synergies and product roadmaps, and customer and contract...

Identify and Manage Reputational Risk Impacts on Your Organization Storyboard

Use this research to better understand the negative impacts of vendor actions on your brand reputation.

AWS Expands Efforts on Industry Cloud

Yesterday you ran sub-four-minute miles with common cloud solutions. Today, with the emergence of industry-specific cloud offerings, you could be 1.4 seconds faster...
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