What are the pros and cons of fat and thin architectures, and will thin replace fat in the future?

The future of thin client architecture and an overview of the pros and cons for fat vs. thin architectures.

Application Maintenance Stage Gate Assessment

This stage gate checklist allows the IT department to determine if it is ready to take on the task of improving its application maintenance processes.

Application Maintenance Strategy Project Workbook

This workbook contains a series of exercises for recording key decisions in executing an application maintenance strategy project.

Application Maintenance Visual SOP Intake Template

A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is an essential component in making sure all operational stakeholders execute a consistent process for application maintenance estimation.

When looking at app PM methodologies, what considerations should I make?

When we begin to look at project methodologies, best practices for running projects, many businesses are turning to Agile or Agile-like methods in order to find success...

VVOLs, oh VVOLs, Wherefore art Thou VVOLs?

​VVOLs (pronounced Vee-Valls) were a hot topic in our doing the rounds of storage vendor conferences last year. Just about everybody had them on their roadmaps. We're...

Lenovo, Superfish, MITM attacks, and SSL Interception: the Bigger Picture

Lenovo’s strategy to pre-install the Superfish application on some consumer devices was fundamentally irresponsible and a squander of customers’ trust.

Application Maintenance Communication Plan

Construct a formal communication plan to engage stakeholders through structured channels.

Target State Maintenance Workflow

Build out a complete business process diagram for your current application maintenance process.

Service Desk SOP for an Energy Company

With a new service desk tool coming in the following week, the organization wanted to formalize their service desk processes to ensure all requirements were met, and...
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