Vendor Management - Research Notes

Communicate the Value of Desktop Virtualization to the CXO

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) can be an effective solution for managing end client assets and the client experience. Just like any other solution, VDI must also...

No ROI? Make the Case for a Project without Tangible Benefits

Just because project benefits are not quantifiable does not mean that the project is not worth pursuing. Create a business case that concentrates on resolving a pressing...

Is a LAMP Web Development Platform the Right Choice?

An open source solution (OSS) such as LAMP can offer capital cost savings. However, choose LAMP only if the development team has the right skill set and experience to...

Build Business Buy-In for Electronic Document Management

Electronic Document Management (EDM) is a priority for many IT leaders, but most struggle to help executives gain business support for EDM. A solid EDM solution can...

Improve Desk-Side Support Workload by Up to 30% through Remote Desktop Controls

Remote desktop control saves valuable time and resources. Eliminating desk-side visits and reducing help desk workload by up to 30% can turn the help desk team into...

Five Fundamentals of a Successful Application Test Strategy

A test strategy is required to achieve thorough and successful application testing. Consider testing scope, schedule, resources, defect tracking methods, and functional...

eDiscovery and Civil Procedure: A Pocket Guide for Judges

The US Federal Judicial released "Managing Discovery of Electronic Information: A Pocket Guide for Judges." This guide gives IT managers specific insight into the issues...

Enterprise Service Bus Solution Design Deck

Use this PowerPoint template to provide your ESB team with an overview of the architecture and functional requirements of the ESB. Get your team aligned.

Crafting Retention Schedules: A Crucial Step in Records Management

A records retention schedule is a crucial input to document management and Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) initiatives. Developing a schedule requires...

Showcase IT's Value with an Effective BAP Executive Summary

IT organizations are continually challenged by users and senior management to prove they can, and do, deliver a strong value proposition. However, without a clear...
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