Project Manager

​The role of the Project Manager is to plan, execute, and finalize projects according to strict deadlines and within budget.

Project Intake and Prioritization Tool

Use the Project Intake and Prioritization Tool as a template to help you track and prioritize project requests.

Service Desk Efficiency Calculator

The purpose of the Service Desk Efficiency Calculator is to assess the impact of different improvements on service desk cost and productivity.

Controlled Vendor Communications Letter

Establish a single point of contact and create a communication vacuum to help leverage your negotiation position.

Vendor Scorecard

Assess vendors regularly with useful metrics to optimize your vendor portfolio.

Requirements Gathering Technique Guide

Leverage this guide to examine each of the different elicitation and analysis techniques available to facilitate the requirements gathering process.

Rebalance Project Intake for Small Enterprise – Executive Brief

This executive brief will help build the case for rebalancing project intake one achievable step at a time.

Rebalance Project Intake for Small Enterprise – Phases 1-2

Successful project intake doesn't require additional time, administrative overhead, or high PPM maturity. Build intake discipline one step at a time by adopting a...

Rebalance Project Intake for Small Enterprise – Phase 1: Create a Standardized Intake Process

Adopt an intake workflow appropriate to the IT department’s capacity.

Rebalance Project Intake for Small Enterprise – Phase 2: Develop Intake Capabilities

Develop prioritization practices that will enable IT to focus on the most valuable work and leave the rest behind.
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