Security - Blueprints

Master M&A Cybersecurity Due Diligence

This research is designed to help organizations who are preparing for a merger or acquisition and need help with understanding the information security risks associated...
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Build a Cloud Security Strategy

Info-Tech has developed an approach to cloud security that is built on the strong foundations of our security strategy model that has been successfully implemented across...
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Determine Your Zero Trust Readiness

Traditionally, IT security was typified by perimeter security, like you would see in a castle and moat, where if you could get through the front gates, you were trusted...
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The First 100 Days as CISO

Your first 100 days are the ultimate predictor of your long-term success. Make it count by following Info-Tech's five-step approach.
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Build a Security Metrics Program to Drive Maturity

Many security leaders put off adding metrics to their program because they don't know where to start or how to assess what is worth measuring.
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Design a Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure Program

Businesses prioritize speed to market over secure coding and testing practices in the development lifecycle. As a result, vulnerabilities exist naturally in software but...
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Build a Data Privacy Program

Sell privacy to the business by speaking a language they understand. IT and InfoSec leaders need to see privacy as more than just compliance – as a driver of business...
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Tech Trend Update: If Digital Ethics Then Data Equity

The COVID-19 crisis demands solutions, and some technologists might insist it's time to move fast and break things. But building new technologies without digital ethics...

Responsibly Resume IT Operations in the Office

As the post-pandemic landscape begins to take shape, ensure that IT can effectively prepare and support your employees as they move back into the office. Once the office...
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Cybersecurity Priorities in Times of Pandemic

The recent events around COVID-19 have been unprecedented, and organizations have taken measures to maintain business continuity. Security can never be an afterthought,...
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